Testing and Inspection Failures as A Contributing Cause to Motor Vehicle Accidents in Kenya

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Reuben Rotich
Peter Mwashighadi
Paul Wanyeki https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8306-0070


Motor vehicle, accidents, inspection practices, NTSA, Kenya


Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death and injury globally, with Kenya recording a high incidence of road traffic fatalities and injuries. Among the various factors contributing to these accidents, failures in vehicle testing and inspection have been reported as a significant underlying cause. This study therefore, evaluated testing and inspection failures as a contributing cause to motor vehicle accidents in Kenya. An extensive review of relevant academic literature, government reports, accident statistics and regulatory frameworks was conducted to identify the factors contributing to testing and inspection failures that increases the risks of motor vehicle accidents. Databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Research Gate, Web of Science, Scopus and the Kenya National Library Services were used to conduct an exhaustive bibliographic search to find academic articles, government reports and policy documents. Content analysis was used to systematically evaluate the secondary data and literature and recurring issues were presented thematically. Results indicated a systemic failure in vehicle testing centers, including outdated equipment, corruption, weak enforcement of traffic laws and the importation of second-hand vehicles. These factors contribute to the presence of non-roadworthy vehicles on Kenyan roads, increasing the likelihood of accidents caused by mechanical failures. The study recommends that there is need for NTSA to enhanced anti-corruption measures, increased enforcement of traffic laws and make provision for adequate allocations to revamp targeted inspection centres with the necessary equipment and personnel so as to work better in the delivery of service.

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