Towards Implementing Advanced Media Resources in Early Childhood and Primary Education Schools in Kenya: A Focus on Influence of Teacher Knowledge in Ainabkoi Sub-County
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Advanced media resources, public primary schools, teacher knowledge, Ainabkoi Sub-County
Educational media has gained popularity in the instructional process due to academic concepts' abstract nature. Although much has been done to improve Early Childhood and Primary Education Programme in Kenya, the implementation of effective Early Childhood and Primary Education still faces the challenge of integrating advanced media instruction. Therefore, this study sought to establish the determinants of the effective implementation of advanced media resources in public primary schools in Kenya. Focusing on Ainabkoi Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The specific objectives were; to determine the influence of teacher knowledge and skills on effective implementation of advanced media resources in Public Primary schools as well as to explore the effect of class size on effective implementation of advanced media. The study employed the pragmatist research philosophy that set the framework for a mixed methods research design. This research targeted Early Childhood and Primary Education, PP1, PP2, Grade 1-3 teachers and head teachers from schools in Ainabkoi Subcounty. The sample size was 267 teachers, and 18 head teachers. Respondents were sampled through stratified and simple random sampling techniques. A semi-structured questionnaire that allowed for quantitative and qualitative nuances was used to collect data. Data analysis was facilitated by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Ver. 24) and involved descriptive and inferential statistics. Quantitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. This paper establishes that teacher knowledge of advanced media resources significantly impacts the implementation of media resources in instruction. Teachers' perceptions of their proficiency and competence in handling media-enhanced lessons highlight their willingness to adopt these innovative technologies. The authors emphasise the need of recognising teachers' understanding of their skills and preparedness to handle classes that use media, and advocate for the implementation of focused professional development programmes. These programmes should prioritise improving teachers' skills and self-assurance in using digital and edutainment media, while bridging the gap between familiarity and novelty.
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