Opportunities and Challenges of Alternative Local Biofilter Media in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

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Emily Aluoch Wafula https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1570-4919
Zipporah Gichana https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8581-510X
James Onchieku https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2648-7200
Mercy Chepkirui https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5607-3423
Paul Sagwe Orina https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3408-1035


Bacterial colonization, cost effective, environmental impact, sustainable aquaculture, waste management


Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) have grown in popularity due to their high production potential and low environmental impact. RAS rely on biofilters to convert toxic ammonia into less toxic compounds by promoting the colonization of beneficial bacteria. Conventionally, plastic media have been used as biofilter substrates but there is growing interest in more sustainable and cost-effective alternatives such as wood chips, biochar, coconut coir, volcanic rock, and gravel. This review examines the potential for using alternative local biofilter media in RAS to improve sustainability and reduce costs. The evaluation focuses primarily on their impact on water quality, waste management, and overall system performance. A comprehensive literature search across multiple databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science was used for this review. Relevant keywords were used in the search, including "recirculating aquaculture systems," "biofilter media," and "local substrates." Articles that focused on studies investigating the performance and effectiveness of local biofilter media in RAS were included. The data was gathered by extracting key findings and insights from selected articles, such as information on biofilter media types, composition, and associated performance metrics. Overall, the findings indicate that using alternative local biofilter media provides promising benefits such as cost savings, reduced environmental impact, and improved water quality. It also highlights limitations such as insufficient performance data, consistency and quality control, potential clogging issues, and maintenance and replacement requirements. The review recommends optimizing the design, operation, and maintenance of biofilters to maximize their potential. More research is needed, however, to fully understand the effectiveness and long-term effects of these materials in RAS.

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