Incidences and Impacts of Climate-Induced Vector Borne Diseases in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Kenya

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Kiptoo K. G. Kipkorir


Pastoralist communities, ASALs, climate change, vector borne diseases, incidences, impacts


Vector-borne diseases (VBD) remain a major threat to human and animal health, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. The disease account for more than 17% of all infectious diseases, causing more than 700 000 deaths annually. Kenya, like many other regions, is largely affected by VBD. Over the past few decades, epidemics of VBDs in the country have been rising due to multiple driving forces, including socioeconomic factors, environmental changes, global warming, and climate change. Climate change is significantly impacting the epidemiology of these, particularly in Arid and Semi-Arid regions (ASALs) of Kenya. These regions, already characterized by harsh climatic conditions and fragile ecosystems, are experiencing shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns that are altering the distribution and behavior of disease vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks. The pastoralist communities inhabiting these regions, who rely heavily on livestock and subsistence agriculture, are especially vulnerable. Hence, assessing the prevalence and impacts of these diseases in ASALs is indispensable to develop targeted, sustainable interventions to protect vulnerable populations from climate-induced VBDs health risks. Academia, Research Gate, African Journal Online, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science, were used to conduct an exhaustive bibliographic search for scientific and technical articles as well as government documents on the prevalence of VBDs in ASAL regions and documented impacts. The findings were presented thematically. Infectious diseases including malaria, dengue, chikungunya Rifty Valley Fever and yellow fever have risen markedly, with numerous researchers attributing this trend to climate change. Changes in climate, including rising temperatures, altered rainfall patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events, have significant impacts on the distribution and proliferation of vectors like mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies. These climatic changes extend the geographical range and breeding season of vectors, leading to a higher incidence of VBDs in regions that were previously less affected. The spread of VBDs exacerbates existing health challenges in these regions, which often suffer from limited healthcare infrastructure and resources. Further, increased incidence of these VBD diseases have led to higher morbidity and mortality rates. It also places a significant economic burden on families The cost of treatment, loss of productivity due to illness, and the diversion of resources to combat outbreaks hinder overall economic development. Engaging local populations in vector control measures, such as the proper use of insecticide-treated nets and eliminating stagnant water sources, can significantly reduce disease incidence. Also, enhancing the capacity of healthcare facilities and infrastructure in arid and semi-arid regions is key.

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