Effects of Entrepreneurial Networking on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Mombasa County
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Performance,, SMEs, entrepreneurial networking, innovation, creativity
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Mombasa County are thriving, contributing significantly to the county's economy and providing jobs for a large number of people. However, industrial economists have suggested that large, SMES experience elevated rates of bankruptcy and a sluggish growth rate compared to publicly traded companies. The main objective of the study was to establish effects of entrepreneurial networking on performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Mombasa County. The study was guided by Social Network Theory. This study employed explanatory research design. The study employed explanatory research design aiming to explain the relationship between two or more variables. A target population of 1994 respondents was involved in the study. The researcher applied Yamane's formula to obtain the final sample size for the study. A sample size of 333 respondents was obtained. The study relied on primary data that was be collected through structured questionnaire based on Likert scale. Descriptive statistics, such as means and standard deviations, were employed to analyze the data. The study employed inferential statistics, specifically correlation and regression analysis. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was utilized to compute measures of central tendencies, measures of dispersion, and F-values. Analyzed data was presented in form of frequency tables. The study findings revealed that there was positive linear influence of entrepreneurial networking on performance of small and medium enterprises (β=0.229, p=0.000). The entrepreneurial networking emphasizes the importance of collaboration with competitors in various areas of innovation, highlighting the role of cooperation in stimulating creativity and product development within organizations. The study recommends that SMEs should actively seek opportunities for collaboration with competitors to promote innovation and creativity. The study recommendations for further studies are to investigate the specific strategies and approaches that SMEs can use to collaborate with competitors in order to stimulate innovation and creativity.
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