The BAP Journals publishes different types of publications:
Original research articles: These are articles that report on original research conducted by the authors. They typically include an introduction, methods, results, and discussion section.
Review articles: These are articles that provide a comprehensive overview of the existing research literature on a particular topic. They often include a critical analysis of the literature and identify gaps in current knowledge.
Commentaries and editorials: These are articles that express an opinion or perspective on a particular topic or issue. They may be written by the journal editors, guest editors, or invited experts.
Case reports: These are articles that describe a particular case or series of cases related to a particular medical condition or treatment. They may include a description of the patient's history, physical examination, diagnostic tests, and treatment.
Letters to the editor: These are short articles that provide commentary on previously published articles or raise questions or concerns about issues related to the journal's scope.
Book reviews: These are articles that review books related to the journal's scope.
News and views: These are articles that provide updates on recent developments in a particular field of research or related to the journal's scope.