Home and School Based Parental Involvement as Predictors of Access and Retention in Public Primary Schools in Kajiado County, Kenya
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Parental involvement, education, pupils, predictors, access, retention
Parental involvement in children's education has consistently been associated with improved academic performance. Despite government efforts to provide free primary education, many public schools in Kenya still faces challenges related to access and retention. The issue is more pronounced in regions like Kajiado county where socio-economic and cultural dynamics, including nomadic pastoralist lifestyles, can affect children’s schooling. This study therefore, sought to investigate home and school based parental involvement as predictors of access and retention in public primary schools in Kajiado County, Kenya. The study was guided by Epstein’s Six Types of Parental Involvement Model. Using a descriptive survey design, the study collected data from 10 schools, targeting 100 teachers. The Krejcie and Morgan Table from 1970 was utilized to determine a sample size of 80 respondents, who were selected through simple random sampling techniques. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire, which was first piloted to assess its validity and reliability. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that parental financial contributions, involvement in learning, provision of resources and participation in academic activities affects pupils access and retention. The study recommends several strategies to improve access and retention in Kajiado County public primary schools.
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