Teacher Preparedness for Integrating ICT in Teaching Kiswahili Grammar in Public Secondary Schools in Mumias West Sub-County, Kakamega County, Kenya

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Dianah Shirakola Kisaka https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6274-2075
David Wanyonyi
Laban Mak’Obila


ICT, teacher preparedness, Kiswahili grammar, teaching and learning, intergration


This study investigated the integration of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning Kiswahili grammar in public secondary schools in Mumias West Sub County. It acknowledges ICT's potential to enhance grammar skills when combined with traditional teaching methods, the study focused on assessing teacher preparedness for Integrating ICT in teaching Kiswahili grammar in public secondary schools. Guided by constructivist cognitive learning theory, the study utilized a descriptive survey design and convergent parallel mixed methods. The study targeted 69 Kiswahili teachers, 5128 form four students and 28 Heads of the Kiswahili department,28 public schools. Stratified sampling and proportionate probability sampling were used to select 9 schools, 9 Kiswahili teachers. Simple random sampling was used to sample 361 students and 9 heads of Kiswahili department were purposively sampled. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and document analysis, then analyzed with the aid of SPSS version 25 for quantitative data and narration for qualitative data. The study revealed that teachers were moderately prepared to integrate ICT in teaching, with 20.4% acquiring ICT skills through workshops and seminars, and 29.6% learning from colleagues. Teachers utilized ICT tools such as computers, smartphones, and video players for online tuition and grammar assignments, as well as for quick revision skits, particularly during school holidays. However, significant barriers identified were the teacher induction time, time required for teacher preparation among others affected the effective integration of ICT. Findings revealed a significant association between teacher level of preparedness and integration of ICT in teaching and learning Kiswahili grammar: r=0.796). The study concluded that ICT adoption among Kiswahili teachers varies significantly, highlighting the need for continuous professional development, specific approaches, and policy alignment to improve teaching and student outcomes in the digital age. Recommendations include prioritizing ongoing ICT skill development for Kiswahili teachers with customized resources, aligned policies, infrastructure investments, and collaborative partnerships to enhance grammar instruction.
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