Discourse Analysis and its Role in Enhancing ESL Learners` Reading Comprehension Competencies: A Literature Review
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Discourse analysis, vocabulary teaching, reading comprehension
Discourse analysis focuses on language use above and beyond the sentence, in which context is key in meaning-making. Reading comprehension is a big challenge to most ESL learners in secondary schools in Kenya. This paper aims at examining the role of Discourse Analysis- driven approach to English as a Second Language (ESL) vocabulary teaching in enhancing learners` reading comprehension skills development. Specifically, it surveys the secondary English course book (form one to four), to determine whether discourse analysis approach to the teaching of vocabulary in secondary schools in Kenya, is embraced. The paper argues that apart from other conventional approaches to teaching vocabulary, Discourse Analysis Approach can boost learners` vocabulary knowledge, which is prerequisite for reading comprehension competencies. Several studies have revealed that introducing a discourse analysis component in teaching approaches plays a significant role in language learning. Some of the key questions that this paper seeks to explore are: How vocabulary knowledge is linked to comprehension skills development; how discourse analysis- driven approach to the teaching of ESL vocabulary can improve learners ‘comprehension reading competencies; and the provisions that are made in the Secondary English Course books to provide adequate materials for discourse analysis- driven approach to vocabulary teaching. The literature reviewed includes, various scholarly definitions of discourse analysis, a discussion of some approaches to discourse analysis, highlights on different types of discourse analyses, and exploration of related studies in terms of methodology, findings, and conclusions. Discussion will be carried out and conclusions drawn. The main thrust of this paper is that discourse analysis approach to teaching vocabulary can empower learners` reading comprehension skills.
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