Published: 2025-01-18
The Journal of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems (JATEMS) is an international, open access journal which publishes peer-reviewed original research, research notes, and reviews dealing with aquatic systems and terrestrial systems.
Original Articles
Assessing Growth Performance of Local Tilapia Co-Cultured with Nile Tilapia Under Varying Fertigation Conditions in Liberia
Abstract 31 | PDF Downloads 4 | DOI 1-7
Potential of Local Algae Genera in Removing Nitrates from Wastewater: A Case Study of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Abstract 8 | PDF Downloads 2 | DOI 8-18
Exploitation Rate and Spawning Behaviour of Sardinella maderensis (Lowe,1838) in the Artisanal landings of the Montserrado County Fishing District, Liberia, West Africa
Abstract 16 | PDF Downloads 8 Supplementary File Downloads 0 | DOI 19-30