An Overview of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region of Kenya: A Review

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Jane Moraa Nyamora
James Njiru
Albert Getabu
Kobingi Nyakeya
Agnes Muthumbi


Heavy metals, WIO region of Kenya, biomagnification, human health, monitoring and assessment


This study is a review on heavy metal pollution in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region of Kenya. The review examines heavy metal pollution of copper, lead, cadmium, iron and zinc that are toxic to marine life and human health; and identifies gaps for future monitoring and assessment. Each pollutant was addressed in order to determine their status in the environment, sources and their effect on biological systems, marine organisms, and human health. Although the concentration levels of these metals are still low and within the recommended standards of global regulating bodies, there is little information in relation to their effects along the food web, human health and how they affect the population dynamics of fish species. Apart from regular monitoring and assessment further research on their effects in the food web and an assessment of human health is recommended.

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